

Today, I went to Kumamoto university orchestra concert. Today is rainy day but there are a lot of audiences in concert hole. The theme is “Destiny” of this concert.
Concert began. I was overwhelmed very much. As for all music were powerful, slender and beautiful. On the stage, there are a lot of same or near age students with me. I couldn’t believe that they play a lot of difficult music. First, clearly difference from me is the sound of the violin. It was very beautiful and strange. Violin is delicate musical instrument so it is difficult to play beautiful sound. I would like to play the violin like that clearly sound. I am belonging orchestra is small. There are few people in my orchestra. For example, violin part is 6 people and viola part is 3 people and violin cello part is 2 people. It is too few people to do orchestra. And also, almost people began their instrument in to the university so we must practice hard than any other people. Today, I felt so strong to listen of Kumamoto university orchestra performance. I could get a lot of things in this concert. I practice the violin very hard and I would like to play beautiful and clearly and strange sound of the violin. (216 words)

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