This story is very famous. However, I don't have read in English this story. I like this story so I wanted to read in English.
There is very beautiful sea and water was as clear as glass. Little mermaid lives there with her family. One day, she found a statue of a smiling boy and she put him in her garden.
One day, her sister watched the sun sink into the sea. Little mermaid really want to watch there but she is young so she until can't watch there.
She was be fifteenth so she can watch them. Then she found a man in the sea of statue. He was drowning so helped him. She fall in love at him but he didn't know her because he thought another woman helped of him. She looks so sad. After all, he didn't notice the truth and Little mermaid became bubble in the sea. It is too sad story. I feel very sad. Little mermaid was very kind but she was not rewarded. I hope she get other happy life with new princes.
Hans Christian Andersen(2007). The Little Mermaid. Usborne Publishing Ltd (195 words)
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