I read Lisa in London. She is a student and she is going to learn English in London. However, she doesn't decide the school that she will go so she talks to a student in the hotel. The student tell Lisa "Alpha School". Lisa decide to go there. Next day, she go to there but it is not "Alpha School." It is "Alpha studio". However, she doesn't notice. She is taken some picture there by Michael but she notice it is wrong place so she is taken to really place by him. However, her picture are very beautiful so Michel ask her go back only ten days. First, she refuse to go back but give in. He can take some a lot of pictures more of her. After that, she is going to go back Hong Kong but she and Michel fall in love each other so she decide to learn English from him.
Paul, V. (2000). Lisa in London. England: Penguin Readers. (163 words)
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